Parents as Partner
When parents and Cub’s Den work together, children do better.
Valuing Parents as Partners
Cub’s Den- The kids studio is committed to ensure that parents are valued partners in their child’s learning and development. Parents have the first and most significant influence on their child’s learning, development, health, safety and wellbeing. As parents understand their child the best they are free to share information about the child with our counselor. This valued information is used to frame programs favourable for a child's overall growth. A child’s learning and development starts and continues in the context of their parents.
Purpose of the Program
The activities at our studio are designed to reflect parental involvement and to develop awareness in parents about the importance of play based learning. Working in partnership with parents is vital at the early years foundation stage. Our programs give parents the skills and confidence to support their child’s learning through play and everyday activities, particularly while learning at home. This will enable parents to become actively involved in their child’s learning and encourage play.
We benefit from developing positive partnerships with parents by involving them in all decisions affecting their child's development and learning. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education.The benefits include:
  • Improved relationships between parents and children
  • An effective way of engaging parents in their child’s learning.
  • Improved learning outcomes for children.
  • Improved communication between parents and trainers.
  • Motivates the three prime areas of learning: physical, cognitive and socio-emotional, most essential for children’s readiness for future learning and healthy development.
Cub’s Den gives parents an opportunity to express views, pose and answer questions as well as sharing what works well and best practice for their child.