FAQ’s related to MTP
How old can my child be, before they can attend?
You can attend a Mother-Toddler Program with a toddler between the age group of 8-18 months. 
The earlier you attend, the more likely you and your baby are to establish long term friendships with each other and peer group, you are able to share the expertise of other parents and gain maximum out of the activities.
What does it offer my child?
Our MTP program is sure to cover a range of the activities that help child develop schooling readiness skills and provide some of the firm foundations that a toddler need.
We emphasize on Three-Dimensional learning
Physical Increased physical strength and muscle control, fine and gross motor skill development, coordination, balance
Cognitive Spatial and perceptual awareness, introduction to colors, language development and self-expression, knowledge of numbers and letters, initial problem solving
Socio-emotional Developing independence and feeling comfortable, early socialization, sharing and taking turns, accepting new environments, following directions and cooperating
How can a child benefit from this program?
  • Children get to interact with other children, while their mothers are close by: this helps to build the child’s confidence and social skills.
  • Children develop problem solving and logical reasoning skills through table top activities - puzzles, simple games, books to share.
  • Mother Toddler Program is a great stepping stone in preparing children for playgroup / pre-school.
  • Children get opportunities to try hands on activities, which may not be available at home, such as messy play, creative play, songs and soft gym- A carpeted area for the babies with activity frames, cushions and baby toys.
How can parents benefit from this program?
  • Mother-Toddler program will provide mothers an opportunity to play with their child, giving them their undivided attention, away from the distractions of home.
  • They can also provide the basis for lifelong friendships, which is especially helpful to mothers who live in nuclear families and do not have family support close by.
  • Mother can get guidelines about the developmental milestones of their babies at each stage of growth.
  • Mother’s get an opportunity to be partner and discover their baby’s like and dislikes, interests, touch and feel experiences through activities.
  • Also at times during the class they can witness baby’s first step or first word.
  • Great way to meet other mothers in the locality and to share experience and build social contacts.Therefore, our studioprovides a great support network.
In what ways do you encourage the mothers in the process?
Cub’s Den believes it is extremely important to provide information and resources that supports mothers involvement in their child’s learning experience. Therefore, every month, we arrange informative and interactive parents workshop that guide mothers in taking an active role in their child’s growth and development. These workshops are conducted by the experts from varied field to help mothers understand their child efficiently.
FAQ’s related to Play n Learn Program
What are the different forms of play? 
While there is no one definition of play, there are a number of agreed characteristics that describe play. Play can be described as :
  • Pleasurable-play : It is an enjoyable and pleasurable activity. Play sometimes includes frustrations, challenges and fears; however enjoyment is a key feature
  • Symbolic-play: It is often pretend, it has a 'what if?' quality. The play has meaning to the player that is often not evident to the educator
  • Active-play: It requires action, either physical, verbal or mental engagement with materials, people, ideas or the environment
  • Voluntary-play:It is freely chosen. However, players can also be invited or prompted to play
  • Process oriented-play: It is a means unto itself and players may not have an end or goal in sight
  • Self-motivating play: It is considered its own reward to the player.
Our trainers make sure that activities designed include the characteristics of above mentioned play.
What are the objectives of this program?
Play n Learn program is recommended because of its following objectives.
  • It ensures every child in their foundation stage is given the best possible start in life so that their potential can be maximized.
  • It fosters good relationships with parents so that children have a smooth transition from home to new atmosphere and to encourage parents to become partners in the overallgrowth process of their children
  • It makes the child's play experience happy, positive and enriching
  • It provides a broad, balanced and relevant research based curriculum through careful planning and sensitive interaction.
  • It encourages and supports every child to be independent, self-motivated, confident and successful. To make discoveries, and to respect themselves and others, and to see themselves as learners and achievers
Why should I enroll my child in a Play n Learn program?
With the help of our advisory board, our programs are designed to help provide children ages 8months-8years with the cognitive, physical and social skills they need. Because children learn by playing, our classes feature age-appropriate activities that encourage children to problem-solve and think creatively. And because adults are updated on regular basis about the happenings at classes too, you'll be an integral part of your child's learning and enjoyment.
Do your tots and moppets programs differ in content or are they just on different time and days of the week?
Play n Learn tots program cater to the junior group of 1.5 years to 3 years of age whereas Play n Learn moppet program is for senior age group of 3 years to 4.5 years. There are many subtle differences, based on the developmental differences between the age group of tots (juniors) and moppets (seniors).  Every aspect of the class, from special activities to soft gym to circle time will be concrete, real and relevant to their age group. Skill related projects are more intricate for the moppets, based on their more advanced fine motor skills, for instance.  Skill developmental activities for tots include simple physical movements whereas the moppetsexplorefurther, independently with advance material.
How is it different from regular schooling program?
This is an organized program which invites kids to participate outside of the traditional school day. The activities conducted at our studio are a cornerstone of concerted cultivation, giving children hand-on experience with innovative learning material, dealing with peers and adults. Children taking play n learn program are believed by proponents to be more successful in later life. It is a parallel skill development program equally beneficial as education in future. Our studio does not believe in drawing boundaries or limiting access to anything but to create endless exploration opportunities through non-toxic, child-friendly, safe, international standard material. Our idea is play, have fun and enjoy the game, where learning comes naturally.
FAQ’s related to Yoga
What is a good age to start yoga with my child? 
Children of all ages can do yoga. Babies can start from six weeks. Child yoga enhances bonding and helps children develop body awareness. Yoga supports babies in developmental steps such as pushing up from the tummy, belly crawling, hands-and-knees position, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. Yoga for toddlers is wonderful - modified for their quick moving bodies and minds. Older kids do yoga in a playful way, adding more detail to poses.

At Cub’s Den children between the age group of 3-8 years can enroll for Li’l Yogis Program.
Which type of yoga should be taught to children and why?
There are varied ancient yoga traditions and many new styles emerging all the time. Kids’ yoga works best when it uses parts from the different traditions and styles. For example, Kundalini Yoga’s dynamic, almost aerobic movements and celestial Communications (songs with movement) both work very well with children’s energy and help develop fine motor skills. On the other hand, certain Hatha yoga poses (like Happy Baby or Dead Bug) appeal to children’s imaginations. Our yoga curriculum include pieces from varied yoga practices, choosing what works best, based on the children’s ages and developmental needs.
What are the benefits of yoga for children?
Some of the many benefits of yoga for kids include improving or enhancing:
  • Strength, flexibility and balance
  • Concentration, focus and attention
  • Inner strength and body awareness
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Awareness of breath
  • Relaxation and self-control
  • Feeling of well-being and respect for others
  • Boost metabolism, lymphatic circulation and hormonal circulation
  • Improves immune response system
  • Enhances digestion
  • Improves memory and ability to follow directions
  • Increases lung capacity and facilitates deeper breathing
How does yoga help the children who are very active/hyperactiveor children who are tired/lethargic?
Yoga’s fabulous poses work for children of any energy level. Since the angles of the body in the poses help regulate the glandular system and strengthen the nervous system, they create balance within each child. Children’s yoga helps very active children calm down and can help tired, lethargic children perk up. Of course, the children who come take class and practice regularly will gain more balanced energy over time; this cannot happen for some children by taking just one or two classes.
How long yoga should be practiced to attained maximum benefits?
For beginners one practice a week is the starting point. Once your body gets trained to that routine gradually increasing to two practices a week will (obviously) be beneficial and you will begin to notice positive change coming more easily and with more regularity. With just two hours a week then you can acquire ‘progress’ in flexibility, strength and concentration.

Ideally, once the routine has become more internalized, more natural and flowing, then it is suggested to continue yoga recurrently. You will make steady progress over the years and occasionally when you miss an hour or a week here or there it will be no problem to get back into the rhythm of your routine. For most people, this will be more than enough for a lifelong, satisfying practice of yoga.